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Resources /Articles

Autism Spectrum/Social Communication Disorders
Movement-based therapies

From Social Thinking

A 5 is Against the Law! (2007) Dunn Buron, K., & Curtis, M. Autism Asperger Publishing Company: Shawnee Mission, KS.


Braineater Challenges Superflex! (2011) Madrigal, S., & Winner, M.  Think Social Publishing, Inc.


Coping with Cliques: A Workbook to help girls deal with gossip, put-downs, bullying, and other mean behavior (2008). Sprague, Susan. New Harbinger Publications.


Eye Power (Volumes 1 & 2) (2009).  Anneberg, A., & Gallo, K. Thought Bubble Productions. Available at:   (Ages 3-10) The Playtime with Zeebu website has many interactive activities, as well. 


How Rude! The Teenagers Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out  (1997). Packer, A. Free Spirit Publishing. 


Incredible 5-point scale, The (2003).  Dunn Buron, K., & Curtis, M. Autism Asperger Publishing Company: Shawnee Mission, KS. 


Keeping Calm. (2011). Anneberg, A., & Gallo, K. Thought Bubble Productions. Available at:  


Movie Time Social Learning (2013) Vagin, A. Think Social Publishing. 


Nurturing Narratives. (2011). Franke, L. & Durbin, C. AAPC Publishing.


Social Behavior Mapping. (2007) Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing, Inc. (Grades 3-12) 


Socially Curious and Curiously Social: A Social Thinking Guidebook for Bright Teens & Young Adults (2011). Winner, M.G., and Crooke, P.  Think Social Publishing, Inc. 


Social Fortune or Social Fate: A Social Thinking Graphic Novel Map for Social Quest Seekers (2011).  Crooke, P. and Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing. 


Social Success Workbook for Teens (2008) Cooper, B., Widdows, N. New Harbinger Publications.


Social Thinking at Work: Why Should I Care? (2011). Crooke, P. and Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing.


Social Thinking Worksheets for Tweens and Teens (2011). Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing.
Sticker Strategies: Practical Strategies to Encourage Social Thinking and Organization, 2nd Ed. (2010).  Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing, Inc.  


Strategies for Organization: Preparing for Homework and the Real World  (2005) Winner, M. The Gray Center. 


Superflex… A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum. (2008). Madrigal, S., Winner, M. Think Social Publishing, Inc. 


Superflex Takes on Glassman and the Team of Unthinkables (2009). Madrigal, S. & Winner, M.G.  Think Social Publishing, Inc. (Grades K-5)


Superflex Takes on Rock Brain and the Team of Unthinkables (2008). Madrigal, S. Think Social Publishing, Inc. (Grades K-5)


The Incredible Flexible You (2013). Henrix, R., Palmer, K., Tarshis, N., & Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing, Inc. (Preschool).


The New Social Story Book, Revised and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition: Over 150 Social Stories that Teach Everyday Social Skills to Children with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome, and their Peers (2010).  Gray, C., Attwood, T.  Future Horizons Publishing. 


Thinking about you, Thinking about me, 2nd Ed. (2007) Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing, Inc. (for parents and caregivers for students of all ages; contains core theories on social thinking.  


We Can Make It Better! (2010). Delsandro, E. & Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing, Inc.


What is a Thought? (A Thought is a Lot!) (2011). Kahofer, A.&  Pranksy, J. Think Social Publishing, Inc.


Whole Body Listening Larry at Home (2010). Wagner, K., & Sautter, E


Whole Body Listening Larry at School. (2011) Wagner, K.& Sautter, E. 


Worksheets!  For teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills (2005).  Winner, M.G.  Think Social Publishing, Inc.


Why Teach Social Thinking? (2013). Winner, M.G. Think Social Publishing. Required.


You are a Social Detective (2008). Winner, M.G., and Crooke, P. Think Social Publishing, Inc. ( Grades K-5) Also available in Spanish and French. 


Zones of Regulation (2011). Kuypers, L. Think Social Publishing. 


General Books/Autism Spectrum Disorders:


Asperger's From the Inside Out: A Supportive and Practical Guide for Anyone with Asperger's Syndrome. Carley, M. (2008).  Perigree Trade. 


Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Attwood, T. (2006). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence by Brenda Smith Myles and Diane Adreon, Autism Asperger Publishing Company.  Along with discussion about the unique challenges that teens with Asperger Syndrome face, the authors offer practical advice that is invaluable.  This book is especially helpful for parents and teachers.  **


Asperger Syndrome and Social Relationships: Adults Speak Out About Asperger Syndrome. Edmonds, G. (2008). Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 


Asperger Syndrome in the Family; Redefining Normal by Liane Holliday Willey, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Asperger Syndrome, the Universe, and Everything, Kenneth Hall, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  This insightful book was written by a 10-year-old boy with


Asperger Syndrome.  It is a very engaging read for children with Asperger Syndrome, and the family and friends who support them.


Calvin Can’t Fly! Written for kids, this charming story highlights Calvin’s strengths, which help him fit in with the other birds.


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome.  Gaus, V. (2007).  Gilford Press.


Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome, Luke Jackson, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Living and Loving with Asperger’s Syndrome: Family Viewpoints. McCabe, P., McCabe, E., & McCable, J. (2003).   Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 


Overcoming Asperger’s: Personal Experience and Insight. Sanders, R. (2002).  Armstrong Valley Publishing Company. 


Pretending to be Normal by Liane Holliday Willey, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  


This is Asperger Syndrome by Elisa Gognon, Autism Asperger Publishing.


Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships:(2005). Barron, S., Grandin, T.  Autism Asperger Publishing Company. 


Web resources

What is Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder? (

​ - Simon Baron-Cohen's group in Cambridge. Adult Asperger’s scales.

​ – Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger’s Syndrome

​ – Families for early autism treatment

​ – features Tony Attwood, leading international Asperger’s expert


​ A way to meet others of all ages; these groups are focused on interests.  Grouped by area, as well. – Michelle Garcia Winner’s website. Michelle regularly posts additional articles and blogs of interest


Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD)

ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children, Adolescents, and Adults (2001). Wender, H. 


ADD and the College Student (2001). Quinn, P. 


Attention, Girls! A Guide to Learn All About your AD/HD. (2009). Quinn, P., Pearce, C. 


Delivered from Distraction: Getting the most out of life with Attention Deficit Disorder by (2005). Hallowell, E., Ratey, J.   


Driven to Distraction (1995). Hallowell, E., Ratey, J


Gift of Adult ADD: How to Transform Your Challenges & Build on Your Strengths (2008). Honos-Webb, L. 


Journeys through ADDulthood (2004). Solden, S. 


Late, Lost, & Unprepared: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning.  (2008). Cooper-Kahn, J., Dietzel, L. 


Learning To Slow Down and Pay Attention: A Book for Kids About ADD (2004). Nadeau, K. Dixon, E.   


On Your Own: A College Readiness Guide for Teens with ADHD/LD (2011). Quinn, P., Laurie, T., & Ische, M & B. 


Putting On the Brakes: Young People’s Guide to Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2009) Quinn, P., Stern, J. 
Taking Charge of ADHD; The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents. (2000). Barkley, R. 


Teenagers with ADD: A Parent’s Guide. (2006). Zeigler Dendy, C. 

Understanding women with AD/HD (2002). Nadeau, K. 

Books for Siblings of ADHD Children

Hyper Harry by Patricia H. Austin.  This book is about a young boy who wishes he could fix his little brother who has ADHD.


I’m Somebody Too by Jeanne Gehret.  This book is about a little girl whose younger brother has ADHD.  She begins to resent all the attention he gets.


Web resources:  (Attention Deficit Disorder Association) Provides information, resources, and networking for the adult with AD/HD.  Here the adult with AD/HD can find information on time management & organizational strategies & how ADHD impacts the workplace and relationships. 

​ – great downloadable/printable articles, as well. Great resource for articles, research, podcasts, free newsletter, and tips

​ (Children and adults with ADD; a national non-profit organization representing children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).

​ – general parenting tips, ADD tips

​ Provides an extensive list of books on ADHD and related disorders, plus some other items.  Hope and help for women with ADHD


A Nurse's ADHD Resource Library | Blog A great site with multiple resources shared with me by a community member. Thank you, Eli!


Emotional Well-being for Kids and Adolescents

Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression.  (2008). Schab, L. 


Child Development: A Practitioner’s Guide. (2004). Davies, D. Guilford Press. 


Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills, 101 Mindfulness Exercises and other Fun Activities for Children and Adolescents. (2009) Christensen, K, Riddoch, G., & Huber, J. Author House.


Exploring Feelings: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anxiety. (2004). Attwood, T. Future Horizons, Inc.


Helping Your Anxious Child, 2nd Ed. ( 2008) Rapee, R, Wignall, A, Spence, S., Cogham, V., and Lyneham, H.  New Harbinger Publications.  


Incredible 5-point scale, The  (2003).  Dunn Buron, K., & Curtis, M. Autism Asperger Publishing Company: Shawnee Mission, KS. 


Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions. (2009) Harvey, P, and Penzo, J. New Harbinger Publications. 


Ready, Set, R.E.L.A.X.: A Research-based Program of Relaxation, Learning and Self Esteem for Children. (1996). Allen, J., Klein, R.  


The Explosive Child. (2010). Green, R. Harper Publishing.

Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens. (2011). Fox, M. & Sokol, L. Instant Help Books.


What to do when your brain gets stuck: A kid’s guide to overcoming OCD (2007). Huebner, D. Magination Press:Washington, D.C.  


What to do when you grumble too much: A kid’s guide to overcoming negativity. (2007). Huebner, D. Magination Press:Washington, D.C.  


What to do when your anger flares: A kid’s guide to overcoming problems with anger. (2008). Huebner, D. Magination Press:Washington, D.C.  


What to do when you worry too much: A kid’s guide to overcoming anxiety (2006). Huebner, D. Magination Press:Washington, D.C.  


When My Worries Get Too Big (2006). Dunn Buron, K. 


Web resources:

​  - Anxiety Disorders Association of America


Trauma-informed Care

The Body Keeps the Score (2014). Van der Kolk, B. Penguin Books


Trauma and Recovery (1992). Herman, Judith. Basic Books


The Deepest Well (2018). Harris, N. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 


What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing (2021). Perry, B. Flatiron Books.


From Trauma to Healing: A Social Worker's Guide. (2021). Ann Goelitz. Routledge Books.


Trauma Stewardship. (2009). Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 



Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

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Lori A. Sirs, DSW, LICSW

4313 6th Ave SE Suite C

Indigo Therapy Space
Lacey, WA  98503




To schedule an online appointment (teletherapy) in a HIPAA-compliant platform, please call me at (208) 250-5133. For those who prefer a face-to-face appointment, I offer in person appointments in my Lacey office on Mondays. 


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